Acoustic Imaging Camera and Partial Discharge Detector Manufacturer | SM INSTRUMENTS
SM INSTRUMENTS offers sound camera service, acoustic imaging camera , partial discharge camera and partial discharge detector in South Korea. Since its inception in 2006, SM Instruments has been a Gold Alliance Partner of National Instruments of the United States. Their main technologies are sound visualization with a sound camera and Buzz, Squeak, and Rattle detection with BSR Tools. SM Instruments SeeSV-S206W Sound camera Sound Camera SeeSV-S206W is a real-time sound camera that implements FPGA-based high-speed beam forming technology to enable excellent performance even in normal noise. It can capture 25 images per second, and the high-sensitivity microphone instantly detects even small noises. BSR (noise and joint) noise source detection, as well as NVH (sound, vibration, discomfort) noise sources, is visually displayed. This sound camera also provides improved acoustic performance in ultra-compact appearance by means of High-performanc...